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V6 House System
To bring even more joy, teamwork, and leadership opportunities to V6, we decided to introduce a new house system unique to V6. Our intention is to bring both year groups closer together by pairing up 2 tutor groups, one from Y12 and one from Y13, to make one team. This will help develop a sense of community in V6 where students from both year groups work together to earn as many team points as they can over the academic year.
The campaign began with students choosing ‘themes’ for team names which were then put forward to sixth form to vote on. The winner was Mythical Creatures with Earthly Elements coming in second place.
After a second vote, the 4 Team names voted for were: Phoenix, Pegasus, Sphinx and Dragon.
Interviews were held for the leadership roles of Team Captains and we are very proud to announce the following V6 Team Captains of 2022-2023:
Temi Balogun - Pegasus
Rosie Gywther - Phoenix
Mayram Hamrouni – Sphinx
Halima Sheikhhabib – Dragon
We are now in the process of designing logos and choosing colours for each team.
Everyone is very excited to start having some friendly competition in Sixth Form!