Careers Education Programme

Some students join us knowing exactly what their dream future is, but most Sixth Formers use their time in V6 Sixth Form to explore their options, develop their own unique strengths, discover what they want to do with their lives and determine what positive impact they want to have on the world.

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Our V6 Careers Programme

We have a carefully designed programme of careers education which offers impartial advice and guidance, including:

  • Independent Careers Advisors in school for one-to-one sessions

  • Workshops to explore different universities and courses

  • Higher Apprenticeship workshops on alternatives to university

  • UCAS Fair, including UK and international universities

  • Careers Fair, with the top 100 employers

  • A professional work placement for every student

  • University access schemes with Bristol, Bath, UWE and Exeter Universities

  • The Bristol Scholars Scheme

  • University of Cambridge HE+ Programme

  • Future Medics Support Programme

  • Pathways to Law Programme

  • Oxbridge Support Programme, run by an Oxbridge graduate




Whether you know exactly who you want to be, or perhaps you are still curious and exploring your options, V6 Sixth Form will provide you with personalised advice and guidance to enable you to make informed choices that open doors to future opportunities.

We are proud of our alumni who have gone on to a myriad of exciting post-18 destinations. Success comes in many shapes and forms and our focus is on helping you to achieve your ambitions. V6 Sixth Form has an unrivalled record for supporting students through competitive post-18 applications.

The most recent Sutton Trust ‘Degrees of Success’ Report into higher education destinations of individual schools, placed V6 Sixth Form in the national top ten of non-selective state schools for the proportion of students taking up places at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

Where Can I find further careers information?

Please visit the Careers Padlet where Mrs Donovan regularly posts essential guidance, opportunities for work experience, careers advice and further education information V6 Sixth Form. Please check the Padlet regularly for updates.

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More careers information can be found on the Montpelier High School careers pages:

Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance Pages on MHS Website


If you require an interview with a careers advisor please email our Careers Lead, Mrs Donovan -

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Policy and Providers Access Statement & Careers Programme