Admissions 2025-26

How to apply for a place at V6 Sixth Form for 2025-26 admission:

Our entry requirements:

Entry Requirements


Application form:

Application form for V6 Sixth Form for 2025 Entry


V6 Determined Admission Arrangements

V6 2025-26 Determined Admission Arrangements


Sixth Form Enrolment Data Form -To be completed ONLY by V6 offer holders





If you are unable to attend our open evening and you would like to arrange a visit,
please email with your name and contact details.

Thursday 10 October 2024

V6 Sixth Form Open Evening Event

Monday 9 December 2024

Deadline for applications

By Monday 20 January 2025

Internal applicant subject choice advice and guidance one to one meetings

Wednesday 5 February 2025

External applicants subject choice advice and guidance online one to one meetings

Thursday 6 March 2025

Careers information evening (Internal applicants only)

End of April 2025

Deadline for confirmation of offers to successful applicants

Wednesday 25 June 2025

Year 12 Offer Holder Day (all successful applicants)

Thursday 21 August 2025

GCSE Results Day  |  External applicants to submit GCSE results

September 2025

Year 12 Welcome to Sixth Form day